Prescribed Burning…….Planned Burning…….Fuel Reduction Burning… Whatever you call it, here are the facts!

Prescribed Burning – The Facts
Landscape prescribed burning: a south west Australian perspective
A paper by Neil Burrows and Rick Sneeuwjagt
There has been a lot of press from some people and groups critical of DBCA’s prescribed burning practices. They’ve been pushing for a review or enquiry. But late last week a …

Bushfire Front Confronts Anti-fire Campaign!
LETTER TO MINISTER Dear Minister Campaign to undermine bushfire management in WA I feel sure we do not need to bring to your attention the insidious, dishonest and calculated campaign …

Hey! It’s the Fire Season Again
It’s the beginning of October and two predictable things have occurred: there has been a burst of smoke in Western Australian skies as Parks and Wildlife begin their annual …

Protecting Towns From Bushfires
The disastrous bushfire that destroyed the town of Yarloop has brought into sharp focus the danger that exists for several towns in the south-west part of Western Australia. Towns …

Smoke in Autumn
The skies in South Western WA in autumn usually carry large volumes of smoke from prescribed burning in forests. While there have been some complaints from urban areas about …

The Usual Urban Panics
It’s another summer again and once again we have almost daily TV accounts of an urban blaze somewhere around Perth in some pocket of urban bush or local bush …
Cyclone Disaster Remembered
Forty years ago in April 1978, Cyclone Alby brought one of Western Australia’s worst storm and bushfire crises to the South-west and Great Southern regions. Both were severely hit. …
Autumn Smoke
The skies in South Western WA this autumn have carried large volumes of smoke from prescribed burning in forests along the Darling Range. While there have been some complaints from …