This grasstree is near Karagullen, WA. Careful chemistry and histology confirm that the dark marks (lapachol) show past fires, and the faint brown marks in between (tannin) are annual …
Rumble in the Jungle at Karagullen
Victoria’s BFF equivalent, “The Howitt Society” share benefits of prescribed burning!
The Howitt Society, Victoria’s equivalent of the Bushfire Front in WA, is equally strong in advocating the benefits of prescribed burning. Here is an article from their latest newsletter on …
The 2020 Bushfire Royal Commission
This post is a summary of an article published in the journal Quadrant by Bushfire Front Chairman Roger Underwood. The full article can be seen at : The Royal …
The Truth About Fuel Reduction Burning
In the aftermath of the disastrous 2019/2020 fire season in the Eastern States there have been many examples in the media of personnel associated with State fire suppression agencies, as …
Outback Bushfire Problems
While public attention and the focus of the 2020 Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements will naturally relate to the recent summer fires and fire crises in Qld, …
Effectiveness of Prescribed Burning
Example of effectiveness of a prescribed burning programme in controlling major forest fires—the 2005 Perth Hills fire by Rick Sneeuwjagt An outstanding example of the contribution of fuel reduction burning …
What Firefighters Say
Ask any fire-fighter : prescribed burning mitigates bushfire losses There has been a lot of comment in the media lately from Eastern States academics claiming that prescribed burning (also …
Importance of Prescribed Burning
Why prescribed burning has never been so important to Australia The purpose of a fuel-reduction burning program is not to stop bushfires, but to assist with their safe suppression. …
Why the Bushfire Front Supports Fuel Reduction Burning
We strongly support the need to carry out regular, mild-intensity burns in State forests and national parks. The aim is NOT to stop bushfires from starting. The aim is …
Further Comments on NSW and Victorian Bushfires
Comments on the NSW and Victorian Fires at New Year, 2020 by Roger Underwood AM Although deeply invested emotionally, I am lucky in two respects: (i) to be …